Added LocalController class which allows users to directly connect controller to JetBot
[0.4.2] - 11/10/2020
Resolved software issue which affected certain motor driver variants
[0.4.1] - 10/22/2020
ZMQ Camera publisher to improve stability of Camera and allow camera use in multiple notebooks
Docker containers for ML dependencies, PiOLED display, ZMQ Camera publisher, and Jupyter Lab server
Inline documentation using mkdocs-material and mike
Default Camera class now uses ZMQ Camera. This means you must run the ZMQ camera publisher to access the camera as before. If you wish to use the old Camera class, do from import OpenCvGstCamera and camera = OpenCvGstCamera()
JetPack 4.3 SD card image
Camera shutdown failures are avoided by addition of ZMQ Camera. No longer need for constant systemctl restart nvargus-daemon calls.
Camera queue buildup for heavier image processing workloads is fixed in ZMQ Camera by dropping old frames using conflate option.