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Collision Avoidance

In this example we'll collect an image classification dataset that will be used to help keep JetBot safe! We'll teach JetBot to detect two scenarios free and blocked. We'll use this AI classifier to prevent JetBot from entering dangerous territory.

Step 1 - Collect data on JetBot

  1. Connect to your robot by navigating to http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888
  2. Sign in with the default password jetbot
  3. Shutdown all other running notebooks by selecting Kernel -> Shutdown All Kernels...
  4. Navigate to ~/Notebooks/collision_avoidance/
  5. Open and follow the data_collection.ipynb notebook

We provide a pre-trained model so you can skip to step 3 if desired. This model was trained on a limited dataset using the Raspberry Pi V2 Camera with wide angle attachment.

Step 2 - Train neural network

Option 1 - Train on Jetson Nano
  1. Connect to your robot by navigating to http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888
  2. Sign in with the default password jetbot
  3. In the Jupyter Lab tab, navigate to ~/collision_avoidance
  4. Open and follow the train_model_resnet18.ipynb notebook
Option 2 - Train on other GPU machine
  1. Connect to a GPU machine with PyTorch installed and a Jupyter Lab server running
  2. Upload the collision avoidance training notebook to this machine
  3. Open and follow the train_model_resnet18.ipynb notebook

Step 3 - Optimize the model on Jetson Nano

  1. Connect to your robot by navigating to https://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888
  2. Sign in with the default password jetbot
  3. Shutdown all other running notebooks by selecting Kernel -> Shutdown All Kernels...
  4. Navigate to ~/Notebooks/road_following
  5. Open and follow the live_demo_resnet18_build_trt.ipynb notebook to optimize the model with TensorRT

Step 4 - Run live demo on JetBot

  1. Connect to your robot by navigating to http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888
  2. Sign in with the default password jetbot
  3. Shutdown all other running notebooks by selecting Kernel -> Shutdown All Kernels...
  4. Navigate to ~/Notebooks/collision_avoidance
  5. Open and follow the live_demo_resnet18_trt.ipynb notebook to run the optimized model

JetBot will physically move in this notebook, make sure it has enough space to move around.